It's National Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month. How many ways can you make a difference in September?

MDA Family Getaways

Bringing families together for unforgettable weekends of community, connection, and fun!
Image of three people up close with palm trees, grass and ocean in the background.

Family Getaways offer individuals living with neuromuscular disease and their families fun and meaningful recreation experiences. Families will take part in a wide variety of exciting and accessible programming that provide opportunities to connect both as a family and with our MDA Community.

2023 Family Getaway Locations

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp - Apply here

  • Friday, August 18 – Sunday, August 20
  • Rhododendron, OR
  • Available to MDA Community Members up to age 21, and their family
  • Application Deadline: Monday, July 17

Interested Volunteers Apply Here

Camp Aranzazu - Apply here

  • Friday, September 22 – Sunday, September 24
  • Rockport, TX
  • Available to MDA Community Members up to age 21, and their family
  • Application Deadline: Monday, August 21

Interested Volunteers Apply Here

Hotel Copamarina - Apply here

  • Friday, October 13 – Sunday October 15
  • Guanica, Puerto Rico
  • Available to MDA Community Members of all ages, and their family
  • Application Deadline: Monday, September 11

Interested Volunteers Apply Here

Victory Junction - Apply Here

  • Friday, October 20 – Sunday October 22
  • Randleman, NC
  • Available to MDA Community Members of all ages, and their family
  • Application Deadline: Monday, September 18

Interested Volunteers Apply Here

Family Getaway session locations, participant eligibility considerations and programming may vary from year-to-year in an effort to provide opportunities for recreation to all members of our community.

Image of three people up close with palm trees, grass and ocean in the background.


Application Requirements

Each family must complete an application in UltraCamp. One family member will serve as the Primary Contact to complete many of the components of the reservation process, including all forms for any children attending. Each adult planning to attend must complete and sign their own form and waivers. A completed application consists of:

  • Family Questionnaire – One per family. Completed by the Primary Contact
  • Adult Application & Waiver – One per adult attending. Must be signed by the individual.
  • Youth Application & Waiver – One per child attending. Must be signed by the child's parent/ legal guardian
  • Criminal Background Check – All participants over the age of 18
  • A copy of the front and back of each family member's insurance card (if different).
  • A copy of each child’s immunization record and COVID-19 vaccination card (if separate)

Applications must be completed one month prior to the start of the Family Getaway. A completed application does not guarantee acceptance to the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this program different than MDA Summer Camp?

Similar to MDA Summer Camp, Family Getaways provide unique, accessible recreation experiences that promotes fun, independence and adventure. However, Family Getaways have the added opportunity for connection within the family unit and within the neuromuscular community. A variety of recreation programming will accommodate participants of all ages; some program themes and activities will be shared across all sessions, while others will be unique to the facility.

What defines a 'Family'?

A ‘family unit' includes an MDA Community Member and their immediate family. Participants can contact MDA to discuss any other individuals they would like to be considered to attend as part of their family unit. The number of individuals within a family unit will vary by session, based on facility accommodations. All minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian.

What is the cost to attend?

Family Getaways are offered at no cost to MDA Community Members and their families, and includes accessible accommodations, fun and interactive programming, meals, and volunteer support. Participants will be responsible for their transportation to and from the program and their own personal and medical care.

What are the accommodations? Will we have to share sleeping quarters and restrooms with other families?

Each family will have a designated, accessible private room for the duration of the session. Specific accommodations vary by location, but can include bunk beds, single beds and/ or queen size beds.

Bathroom accommodations vary by location but can include designated, accessible private bathroom within the sleeping quarters or a shared bathroom space with other participants.

Who is responsible for personal care and medical care?

Families are responsible for providing their personal and medical care. A licensed medical professional will be available on-site for each session for first-aid and emergency support. A first-aid kit will be available at each session. Volunteers may be available at your session to assist with general family support, to accompany families through activities and to supervise during respite activities; they do not provide personal or medical care to program participants.

What vaccinations are required to participate in Family Getaways?

MDA requires that participants be up-to-date with the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR), Varicella and Pertussis vaccinations. Though not required, MDA strongly recommends participants are up-to-date with the COVID-19 vaccination and all other Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended vaccinations. Participants must provide a copy of their current immunization record with their application.

Will everyone who applies for a Family Getaway be able to attend?

MDA Family Getaways are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. We anticipate high interest in this new program and encourage those that are interested to submit their applications early. Waitlists may be created for sessions that reach participant capacity.

Although MDA Family Getaways are designed to meet the needs of individuals with neuromuscular disease, there are instances when this program may not be appropriate. We encourage you to carefully consider your family's needs and assess if they can be met within the recreation program setting. As a reminder, you are responsible for providing the personal and medical care for all participants within your family unit. Medical staff may be available for first aid and emergency response only.

All applications are reviewed by the MDA Recreation Programs Team prior to acceptance. Please complete an application or reach out to if you have questions about the appropriateness of MDA Family Getaways for your family.

What if we are unable to get to a Family Getaway due to financial or transportation challenges?

MDA has a transportation stipend program to financially assist those families for whom transportation to a program location is a barrier to attend. To apply for support with transportation, families can complete the Transportation Stipend Application.